If you are brand new to electronics and or programming watch these very educational videos!
- Download And Install Arduino IDE
- Arduino Hardware Overview
- Arduino IDE And Sketch Overview
- Understanding and Using Arduino Code Variables
- Blink An LED
- digitalRead() and Serial Port Communication
- analogRead() and the Serial Port
- Reading Analog Pins and Converting the Input to a Voltage
- Fade an LED with Pulse Width Modulation using analogWrite()
- If Statement (and else-if), Comparison Operators and Conditions
- For Loop Iteration
Sparkfun Inventors Guide
- Experiment 1: Blinking an LED
- Experiment 2: Reading a Potentiometer
- Experiment 3: Driving an RGB LED
- Experiment 4: Driving Multiple LEDs
- Experiment 5: Push Buttons
- Experiment 6: Reading a Photoresistor
- Experiment 7: Reading a Temperature Sensor
- Experiment 8: Driving a Servo Motor
- Experiment 9: Using a Flex Sensor
- Experiment 10: Reading a Soft Potentiometer
- Experiment 11: Using a Piezo Buzzer
- Experiment 12: Driving a Motor
- Experiment 13: Using Relays
- Experiment 14: Using a Shift Register
- Experiment 15: Using an LCD
- Experiment 16: Simon Says
- Experiment Guide for Redbot (Currently we only have 1 redbot for our meetups)
- Ping Ultrasonic Range Finder
- Blink Without Delay
- Simple Musical Keyboard Using The Tone() Function
- Play A Melody Using The Tone Function
- Make An LED Bar Graph
- Dimmer - Control Brightness of LED with mouse on PC
- Graph: Send data to the computer and graph it in Processing.
- MIDI Note Player
- Physical Pixel: Turn a LED on and off by sending data to your Arduino from Processing
- Serial Call and Response (handshaking)
- Virtual Color Mixer
The following tutorials show how to use various control structures within the C programming language that is in the Arduino IDE.
- Arrays: A variation on the For Loop example that demonstrates how to use an array.
- For Loop Iteration (aka The Knight Rider)
- If Statement Conditional: Use an ‘if statement’ to change the output conditions based on changing the input conditions.
- Switch Case How to choose between a discrete number of values.
- Switch Case 2: A second switch-case example, showing how to take different actions based on the characters received in the serial port.
- While Statement Conditional: How to use a while loop to calibrate a sensor while a button is being read.
PDF Ebook Download
Using The EEPROM with Arduino
- EEPROM Clear: Clear the bytes in the EEPROM.
- EEPROM Read: Read the EEPROM and send its values to the computer.
- EEPROM Write: Stores values from an analog input to the EEPROM.
- Advanced Chat Server: Set up a simple chat server.
- Barometric Pressure Web Server: Outputs the values from a barometric pressure sensor as a web page.
- Chat Server: Set up a simple chat server.
- Dhcp Address Printer: Get an IP address via DHCP and print it out.
- Dhcp Chat Server: A simple DHCP Chat Server.
- Telnet Client: A simple Telnet client.
- UDP Ntp Client: Query a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server using UDP.
- UDP Send Receive String: Send and receive text strings via UDP.
- Web Client: Make a HTTP request.
- Web Client Repeating: Make repeated HTTP requests.
- Web Server: Host a simple HTML page that displays analog sensor values
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